Buyer Representation Agreement Prep FormRealAdvantageTMAdmin2023-07-26T10:57:13-04:00 "*" indicates required fields Your Name* Your Email Address* Your Client's Legal Name(s) for the Buyer Rep Agreement* Your Client's Email Address* Your Client's Phone Number*Purpose (IE – Purchase of Residential Property)* Please confirm Expiration Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Please confirm Early Termination Fee* Please confirm Retainer Fee* Please confirm Broker Compensation* Please confirm Broker Service Fee* Please confirm number of days that broker fee will be earned if agreement is terminated early* Relocation Program?* Yes No Dual Agency?* Yes No Designated Representation?* Yes No Does the buyer hold an active or inactive Real Estate license?* Yes No Are there any additional notes/information/office required documents that we need to be aware of?Please select Buyer Rep Prep Package:* $55 – Buyer Rep Prep Buyer Rep PrepTotal Credit CardCard Details Cardholder Name